The little Gucci belt, the little Gucci belt, OR the little Gucci belt?
SO Welcome to the inspiration behind my entire website. To say that I love to shop is an understatement. I love keeping up with trends as well as relying on timeless classics.
I was really never a label worshiper. I just never saw the point. I’m not buying this because it says “Louis Vuitton” or “Chloe” or “Chanel”. I’m not buying something to “up my status”. What it comes down to is that I buy something because I think it looks CUTE. And I think a lot of girls feel this way!
When we're following all these fashion blogger girls who are pairing their Gucci belts with every other outfit and it looks GREAT (not gonna lie)… it’s not because it’s a Gucci belt. It’s because it’s a classic piece that goes well with many outfits, cinches together a waist line, provides some contrast, or pulls in your black shoes or bag or whatever. We all know how belts work here.
So why not find something similar and pay oh I don’t know HUNDREDS of dollars less? For the same look? “But people will know it’s not Gucci!” I’m very okay with it.
And so this idea was born. There are so many clothes, accessories, shoes, etc out there that are adorable and amazing but I just can’t rationalize spending half my paycheck on! So my first post (and many more to come) starts with the infamous Gucci belt. Of course it’s cute, but for me it’s not cute enough to drop a whopping 450 dollars on!
And I’ll say this off the bat, if you own a Gucci belt, I am NOT hating. You bought that yourself with your hard earned money or somebody loves you enough to buy that for you or you won some random contest and got a 1000 dollar shopping spree at Neiman Marcus (does this contest exist? Would partake) — then OK girl, you deserve it. I’m not here to judge people on how they spend money. Just here to share with like-minded, bargain-loving (like you get an actual high off of a good sale), regular old shopping addicts! So without further ado, here are some more affordable, but still adorable Gucci belt alternatives: